Friday, August 14, 2009

Getting Back to My Pagan Ways

Aside from the time as a young child when the potato man story was offered to coax me from under the kitchen table, I've never been afraid of storms.

Dark, crazy skies with wild thunder and lightening - and plenty of wind - is one of the things I most love about living on our planet. As a kid, I use to go outside when a storm rolled in to spin in circles and to run and leap about. I danced with abandon.

That's a little pagan, isn't it? But a good storm does stir something inside of you. Like music that won't let you sit still.

But Good Lord, how long has it been since I danced in a storm? To be honest, I can't even remember the last time I leaped, let alone attempt a pirouette.

Is this the season for returning to my pagan roots? Our SW Florida storms have arrived, so opportunities for leaping and spinning about abound every afternoon.

Let's see what the day brings, shall we? And, it behooves us all to remember... even pagans must not neglect the pre-storm stretch.


  1. I too have a pagan side as you will see Mary Magnalin the Huntress come to life @ Renfest in Oct. My Paul as well as your Kenny thinks of me a bit witchy. He sometimes puts his finger on the end of his nose and wiggles it. This is my first time blogging on to someones blog. Add it to the list of things friends do for friends. Love Suz

  2. I think all women have a pagen goddess waiting to come out. There is nothing wrong with that. We, I believe, all have pagen blood flowing through us. It may not be politically correct or socially acceptable to let it out for public view and some times that is really sad. Dance, Dance, Dance in the rain!
