Monday, August 24, 2009

Darcie & Our Mama

My sister Darcie left Saturday afternoon to return to St. Louis. She'd flown in because my mom was in need of surgery last Wednesday to remove a small cancer from her breast.

So of course this was a crazy time for all of us and I was so thankful Darcie was here. Not only because I love her dearly and wish for her presence at each and every turn, but also because she tends to consistently be the calm and unruffled person that I am not.

And she's a nurse.

This means that I can at least make an attempt (no matter how feeble) to be calm and unruffled knowing that she will step in - almost like a super hero - to ask the right questions and address the concerns I may not have even thought to consider. She can also change those bloody bandages.

Now, blood really doesn't bother me all that much, but something poking out of a person (especially our mama!) and bleeding on top of it is another story. Darcie immediately pointed out to me that my "Oh My God!" and the gasping that accompanied it as we changed that first bandage was poor bedside manner.

Thankfully our mama is one of the toughest cookies in the box and only laughed.

Once we realized all was well on the mom front and we got her resting comfortably for awhile, Darcie and I made the most of our time.

As she's also a professional photographer, we took some pictures for my upcoming book Steeped. I also had to have her opinion on the paint color for my kitchen (more grey in the green), the mat for a picture I need framed (black), whether or not the curtain in my laundry room needed to be moved up six inches or so (it does), and what could be done to make my Octavia Ashford costume a little cooler (shorten the sleeves).

I haven't yet talked to Darcie since she's been home but I'm assuming the poor thing might be exhausted!

But, mama is fine. Very fine. And all cried "Amen!"




"And Amen!"


  1. I am very glad that your mom is doing well. I take it they got all of the cancer? Amazing medicines and procedures these days. Very pleased Darcie was there. That's the most healing part.
    Give your mom my best and just keep doing what you do best and that's to bring joy to everyone around you. For that, we thank you.
    Love to you Barbra

  2. Sounds like you have had a lot on your plate lately, both trying thigns and rewarding adventures like Octavia. I just found your web site, and it is as nice as your blog and Sweet Willa pages! Have you ever done any of your "people" in Missouri?

    Also I sent you an Ozark/tea poem to Sweet Willa. I am wondsering if you got it or if might have gotten lost in cyberspace--or just at bottome of pile of all these trying things!

    You would not believe Missouri right now. August with 75 degrees and a strong cooling breeze! However, that is on the way out this week for warmer temps...but it has really made it feel like Missouri autumn!

    Hope you continue with the Amen Chorus. cm
