Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Friends Stick Longer Than Mummies

Because I thought it would make all of you chuckle, I was only going to post the above photo today and no text. Although, you'd have to have read Monday's (August 3rd, 2009) post, Oh Mummy, in order for it to make any sense.

But now I cannot just post the picture because the effort involved in creating these images, while not herculean, did require the help of friends. After all, a girl cannot transform herself into a mummy all by her lonesome.

I have been blessed to have friends who will:

1. Halt their business day in order to help me with a whim and then invite me to an afternoon tea that can best be described as "extended by merriment." Extended for almost three hours actually!

2. Happily forgo the drudgery of housework in order to rescue me from my lack of Photoshop expertise.

But it doesn't stop there.

For I've other friends who:

1. Never become aggravated with me when I don't answer my cell phone. They understand I've either let it die, have misplaced it as part of my daily routine, or can't hear it because Sugarland is blasting on my stereo and I'm dancing around my house like a rock star.

2. Upgrade our airline tickets to business class on the spur of the moment because I've been up all night with an anxiety attack.

3. Will sit with me and watch
a cult classic they could care less about, such as The House of Yes. I, too, love my hair to gleam by the way.

4. Will seek me out after 20 years and both dazzle and humble me with their gladness at finding me.

5. Even though they cringe mightily at letting others use their car, will lend it to me overnight so I can see my son and retrieve the keys needed to start the rental car.

6. Who plan book tours for me and are clever enough to come up with tag lines such as "When a Florida Girl Does the Texas Tea-Step."

7. Who take the time to critique my writing and offer their thoughts with complete honesty. "Really, Laurie, he 'came out from the side of the house?' How does a person accomplish such a thing?"

I must be doing something right to deserve such friends. What a treasure you all are! I could hardly be fortunate - even if I had discovered a mummy's tomb!

Oh for heaven's sake, I'm starting to get teary eyed! I best go before I become any more sappy.

By the way, the woman in the pictures is the SW Florida artist Babs Synderman. We set up these photo shoots at her shop,
Babs Bead Warehouse. You might wish to visit and see what this talented woman is up to. She's always up to something and her website is very cool.

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