Friday, December 18, 2009

Going Red

In these rough and tumble economic times we must use all resources at our disposal. Even those that appear unlikely.

I've never considered myself a student of Feng Shui, but I've read some on the topic and discovered I naturally leaned towards its corner.

But I've now decided to cling rather than merely lean, especially as I've seen a flamboyant example of Feng Shui working its magic.

You may remember my mentioning our rental property, a place we suddenly found in dire need of remodeling (Friday, August 28, Changing Your Emotional Drift). Although I haven't mentioned it since, this effort has occupied a substantial portion of our late summer and fall. (I do hope you appreciate my lack of whining about this, by the way. Not all in my life have been so fortunate.)

Babs suggested I paint the front door of this property red as, according to the tenets of Feng Shui, red insures prosperity, abundance,and success.

So get this...on the Sunday before Thanksgiving I put the last coat of paint on the door and drove away. Not five minute later I received a call from a man who ended up moving in Thanksgiving weekend! And, we believe him to be a dream of a renter. And the angels sang on high!

So not only have any Feng Shui doubts been put to rest, I've painted my own front door red (as you can see above).

But I can't stop with just painting the door. I'm now on the search for three Chinese coins to hang from my red door. I must also install a pond and a waterfall and purchase a colorful gazing ball. Lastly, my mailbox must be transformed into something fun.

This is all in the name of prosperity, abundance, and success of course, but you do wonder who thought all this up. I know they say the Chinese, but...I think it might have been realtors.

It all sounds suspiciously like nothing more than improved curb appeal - plain and simple.

We'll see. Once I'm ready to sell this property, I'm going to bury a statue of the Virgin Mary upside down in the front yard. Just to be on the safe side.

That's not Feng Shui though, is it? What on earth is that about then? 

What a world, what a world!

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were suppose to bury St. Francis in your yard to make the sale?
