Friday, December 4, 2009

Ghosties and Travel Tales

Thank goodness I'm an avid note taker as I'm only this week getting around to writing the travelogue about my Texas adventures. 

I was not procrastinating! I've just been wildly busy and as I'm often compelled to mention to my husband, "There's only one of me." 

Why does he find that so funny?

Anyway, I'm calling it A Florida Girl Does the Texas Tea-Step and I beg you to keep your fingers crossed that Tea in Texas Magazine accepts it.

I had never written a travelogue before and the few I've read were somewhat less than riveting. Unless, of course, there's danger, restless natives, or a flash flood in the canyon. None of which I can say highlighted my time in Texas.  They did forget to bring the guacamole for my enchilada at a restaurant in Corpus Christi, but that hardly bears mentioning. 

I felt it necessary to Google "How to Write a Travelogue," but after 45 minutes I felt perhaps I was verging on procrastination. So I just began.

Then I feared the piece was going the way of the shawl I once tried knitting, which before I knew it had somehow reached a truly unruly length. After many cups of tea and 1500 words, I'm ready for a final proofing. It's a hefty piece so I'm hoping the editor of Tea in Texas is short on content for her January issue. 

Here's how it starts:

Fort Myers Beach: Where are my teapot jammies? I can't start the Texas Tea-Step without my teapot jammies. Ahhh...there they are. Good bye Fort Myers Beach. I hope Lyle Lovit's words are true: "That's right. You're not from Texas. But Texas wants you anyway."

If the article is accepted you'll be among the first to hear of it. For now I'd like to send you to the web site of the Driskill Hotel where we had tea in Austin. It's an iconic Texas landmark and also the most haunted hotel in all of Texas.

Authentically haunted I might add. An episode of Ghost Hunting and Milkshakes was recently shot at the Driskill. Concrete Blond's lead singer, Johnette Napoliatno, had such a profound ghost experience there that she created a music video about it called Ghost of a Texas Ladies' Man. To see these videos and learn of other Driskill ghost stories, click on the link below.

You'll also be able to see videos of performers such as Jewel.  She recorded one of her songs at the Driskill as well. Nothing ghosty there though.


  1. Looks like you might have been up extremely early this morning, but I love this post. Love those red boots too!

    I will keep my fingers crossed for you on the article as well. I have a tea article on tea rooms in Wichita(Kansas)submittted but have not heard a thing. Sometimes getting a rejection back is almost a relief because it is concrete instead of the unknown!

    I have been up early after restless night's sleep. Hope we both have a good day!

  2. I was indeed up in the middle of the night. I'm so glad you like this post.

    Suzanne is lucky I didn't attempt to bring those boots home with me. They were gorgeous.
