Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Working In Threes

Odd numbers are pleasing to the eye. I happen to be especially fond of three's.

I had wanted three children but it's likely time to stop wishing for a third. At this point in life's game a third child would require an extraordinary explanation. No Cobwebs Here would also come to a screeching halt. 

I had wanted three pets. I had two and am now down to one. I'm good there I think, especially as one is an odd number. Although the question begs to be asked - would two Shih Tzu puppies forever put to rest that longing for a third child? 

Other than the above, I work in three's pretty faithfully. I always buy three:
- of any plant calling my name
- matching panties per bra
- bottles of wine (Please note I'm never compelled to drink three bottles of wine) 

I must also have three desserts on my holiday table.

Pumpkin pie with real whipped cream is a given.

Something chocolate is also an absolute must. For the last two years chocolate cupcakes have put in an appearance. Not just any old chocolate cupcakes, mind you. We kindly remove ours from their wrappers, cut them in half across their girth and before they know what hit them, we smear the bottom half with a thick layer of chocolate mocha mousse. The top half is carefully put back in place and the dark little beauties are then quite generously drizzled with a dark chocolate glaze. How I wish I could tell you I thought of these! But they're the brain child of Elinor Klivans and can be found in her book Cupcakes!.

The third dessert is always the wild card. I was leaning strongly towards creme brulee this year but have opted instead for a white chocolate bread pudding. It's a recipe I created for Steeped: The Wanderings and Delights of a Tea Adventurer and I like it because, not only is it wildly yummy, it freezes well and you can slice it and pick it up with your fingers to eat. Quite novel for bread pudding, don't you know. 

In case you, too, need a third dessert for your holiday table, here's the recipe:

White Chocolate Bread Pudding
8 ounces white baking chocolate
2 cups half and half
1 cup sugar
6 eggs
11/2 cups evaporated milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
8 large croissants

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Break up the white chocolate and put into the top of a double broiler with half and half. Warm on medium low heat, stirring occasionally until the white chocolate is melted. 

Add the sugar and continue stirring for 1-2 minutes. Remove from heat. 

Break the eggs into a large bowl and whisk until the yolks and whites are well blended. Add the evaporated milk and vanilla. Slowly pour the half and half mixture into the evaporated milk and eggs, stirring constantly.

Grease an 8.5" x 13" baking dish. Break the croissants into 1-inch chunks and place in the dish. Pour the cream mixture over the croissants. Use the back of a spoon to press the croissants into the liquid. Let sit for half an hour. 

Press the croissants into the liquid one more time before placing the baking dish into a larger pan. Place all into the oven and then carefully pour boiling water into the larger pan. Bake for 40-45 minutes. Once cool, cut into small pieces.

They say you must have three of something before you can call your two of something a collection. My search for a third elephant continues.

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