Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Southern Sass

What is with all of these personality quizzes? It seems a monumental waste of time to answer questions leading to the discovery of what farm animal, sub sandwich or Greek god one might be.

But because I like to be kept in the loop of trends, I squandered a few minutes this morning - actually it stretched closer to sixty - browsing different on-line personality quizzes.

I've discovered I'm a whimsical and dreamy sea otter craving harmony but am one whom others don't always "get".

Far be it from me to criticize, especially as this is not my area of expertise, but I'd hesitate to make any assumptions about a person based on their preference for tater tots over waffle fries - hence whimsical.

People find these tests amusing I suppose. My Mount Dora, Florida friend, Margaret Andersen, clearly thought so. She devoted one whole page in each issue of her Maggie Mae Magazine to featuring a woman answering the questions she posed. Calling this page Southern Sass, Margaret left it to her readers to make what they would of the answers.

I was fortunate enough to once be featured in her Southern Sass. If I hadn't wasted time this morning with these silly tests I'd perhaps have something more profound or intriguing for you today than a reprint, update, and commentary on my original answers, but alas...I'm now burning daylight.

 1. What is your favorite comfort food?  Mashed potatoes (gravy optional)

 2. What is your newest interest? Palm reading (You probably thought I'd say tea leaf reading, didn't you? There's less breakables to haul about with palm reading.) 

 3. What could you not live without? Moisturizer (and more and more of it as time goes by) 

 4. What is something you've wanted to do but never have? Travel the inter-coastal waterway from beginning to end (Surely river otters are kissin cousins to sea otters.) 

 5. What would your message in a bottle be? Live an extraordinary life (I almost went with: Always clean up your own mess)

 6. What keeps you up at night? Possibilities (and blog ideas) 

 7. What are you reading right now? Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin (Hands down, nominee Greg Mortenson would've been MY choice to receive the most recent Nobel Peace Prize. This book is a must read BTW) 

 8. Have you any obsessions? Essential oils (I've a shelf devoted to these little bottles of health, healing, beauty, and serenity. I've also just discovered helichrysum oil - amazing stuff)

 9. What is your favorite way to decompress? Get a massage (the deeper the better) 

10. What would you like your tombstone to say? She'll be hard to forget (Some statuary nearby would be lovely as well.) 

11. What is one thing you'd never do again? Howl at a full-moon tequila party (But I'm glad I did it once.) 

12. If you were a flower, which would you be? The one still blooming in the vase (a pansy would've been my non-smartypants answer) 

13. What is your favorite meal? Lobster with a creme brulee back (Of course there are mashed potatoes on the side!)


  1. The girl drinking tea is a delightful picture on your blog this morning! claudia

  2. Thank you! I'm pretty enchanted with the other - the statue is sitting in a quite old cemetery in LaGrange Texas. I must have taken 20 pictures of it!
