Friday, November 20, 2009

Hello Octavia!

Well my friends, the time has come for Lady Octavia Ashford to at last go live. I'll be doing Octavia Ashford and Her Ghosts, for the first time in its entirety, at the Walk Through the Arts Festival in Fort Myers tomorrow.

It's taken an inordinate amount of time for me to become comfortable with this but I finally feel Octavia.

I've raised the bar here. All of my programs before now have required only an animated version of myself. With this, however, I throw myself into acting and storytelling.

I wanted to tell a ghost story but I also wanted to provide background on the ghost story genre as it stood in the Victorian era. Hence Octavia. As an engaging hostess who sometimes has trouble staying focused on the task at hand, she provides the frame surrounding the story.

If you click on the link below, you can hear the beginning prior to Octavia actually telling the ghost story. It's just short of six minutes long.

But first, read the words below as it's what you'd hear if you were with me in real time: 

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I invite you to step back in time with me to a December afternoon in 1898. To the parlor of Lady Octavia Ashford - just as the sun is bidding farewell to the afternoon...ok now, click here! Enjoy!

In case you'd like to check out all that goes on at our Alliance for the Arts where the festival is held:

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