Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm a Lemonhead

Even though I've yet to make much mention of tea, tea always looms large in my world. Aside from drinking it from morning til night, I research it, write about it, create stories about it, and am now creating my own skin care products with it.

I also get together about twice a month with Paulette McDaniel for tea tastings. We've been doing this about three years, but the last year has been especially fun because...

Paulette has become a tea blender!

She's now in possession of a plethora of high end extracts and flavorings as well as a prodigious amount of teas and botanicals. Her office has become a veritable playground.

One afternoon, when I happened to be suffering from one of the "sick" headaches that sometimes plague me, I began asking (perhaps it was closer to whining) why she hadn't yet created a "headache" tea.

This set us to wondering what such a tea would contain and that, of course, sent us on a search for the right herbs.

In the end, Paulette's brilliant palette created Lemonhead, a tea that not only ranks as possibly one of the best flavored teas I've ever tasted, but which has indeed gone far in alleviating my "sick" headaches - three different times, so far, mind you.

At your convenience, especially if you're a headache sufferer, I'd suggest you visit www.theidealtealeaf.com.

And what am I doing?
I'm busy thinking of other blend possibilities.

Blueberry jasmine hold promise, don't you think?

I better go. I've got to call Paulette.

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