Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Impossible List Syndrome

You know how it is the last 24-32 hours before you leave town. You've a long to-do list and there are items on that list which haven't a thing to-do with your leaving.

These non-travel related items have made their way onto your list because they're the current dangling participles in your life. Anyone with an iota of grammatical sense just feels better about leaving if such items can be checked off before locking the door. 

But, inevitably there comes a moment within this 24-32 hour time frame where you realize the impossibility of accomplishing all on this list. The checking off of dangling participles comes to an end.  I wonder, do men suffer from this impossible list syndrome or is it only women?

You've got to shift gears. Rather than checking these items off, it's time to highlight them so you remember them upon your return. You could perhaps use a black sharpie but that seems the option for those with no intention of ever returning home.

I'm writing now from a hotel in Tampa and I catch a plane to Corpus Christi at 9:30 this morning.

Yesterday, at the 18th hour prior to my departure from the beach, I realized that finishing my beaded opal bracelet was a pipe dream.

At the 12th hour prior to leaving, it occurred to me that there would be no gluing of feathers to Torie Montana's peacock costume.

At the 4th hour prior to climbing into the car the idea of running to the library to pick up a book on Victorian prostitution was simply laughable. More on that another time. 

However, I would have missed the plane rather than walk out my door without cleaning my bathroom. I know it's crazy and I can't explain it. It's just the way it is.

Darn, I forgot to check that off the list.

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