Friday, February 12, 2010


My maiden name is Mabury.

Go ahead. I long ago learned that people can't seem to help themselves...Mabury RFD? Hmmm...hmmm...I've been hearing that since third grade recess and kickball.

As I've been to only a handful of Mabury family reunions - held each summer at Sam A. Baker State Park in southern Missouri - I don't really know the Mabury's very well, especially the "new" ones.

Back when I was one of the "new" ones, I was known mostly as "the little girl who had the open heart surgery, dontcha know." But between divorces, my dad and aunts dying, cross country moves and life indeed getting in way of the best laid plans, I've never connected with Maburys not in easy reach.

And while genealogy can completely capture my attention, my life as a writing woman hasn't allowed me the necessary perseverance of the confirmed genealogist.

Yet I still managed to find a Mabury! It happened completely by accident. I was really trying to find my Dad. Or rather, where he's buried. I know it's the height of irresponsibility but neither Darcie nor I can remember where he's spending his eternity. 

It was in my efforts to remedy this embarrassing mishap that I chanced upon David Mabury, author of the blog Parlor Mobster.

Awesome name for a blog, don't you think?

Anyway, David and I have been chatting back and forth via email. His dad was my dad's cousin and he spent time with my favorite Aunt, Aunt Anna! How strange to be related to someone, never know him til later in life, yet share some of the same experiences with him. He, too, played with my Aunt Anna's slightly fiercesome chihuahua, Dukey. And he heard Aunt Anna's glorious laugh that I can still hear even at this very moment. What a world, what a world!

I might have to make it to the Mabury Family Reunion this year! Maybe I can find out if it's really true that we've a Hatfield (of the Hatfield and McCoys) and a full blooded Cherokee Indian in our past.

If you'd like to visit David's blog, click on this link: 

Has the Mabury family reunion caught your eye? I wouldn't attempt crashing but the food is to die for, especially if you're a fan of country cooking: 

And, Sam A. Baker State Park is a truly glorious bit of the mid-west: 

Do you want to hear something really crazy? My mother's maiden name is Stinson and as David and I have been chatting, an unknown Stinson relative has found Darcie! What on earth is going in the universe?!

The picture you see is my Dad with myself on the left and Darcie on the right. Judging by the look on our faces, we were really looking forward to that dead bird.

Lastly, I have always been a fan of Andy Griffith.

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