Monday, June 29, 2009

Lemons & Lightening Bugs

Of course I realize it’s the height of cliché, but, lemons make me crazy happy. No bother over lemonade, it’s that lemony smell that sends me. 

We’ve recently returned from the Lake at Osage Beach in Missouri, a place I haven’t visited in probably 25 years. It was there I discovered – or rather rediscovered – something else that makes me happy. Lightening bugs.

We don’t have them here in SW Florida and the moment I saw them I was right back to summer nights of long ago, to chasing those elusive flickerings in my bare feet with the hope of catching as many as I could before mom called us in for baths.

Darcie and I would put them in a jar with holes in the lid and we’d take them to bed with us. With our heads under the covers, we'd watch them and whisper to one another until one of us fell asleep. (We’d always let them go the next morning) 

I’ve recently heard that, for your mental health and well being, you should think of one thing everyday that makes you happy. Everyday!? That's 365 happy thoughts in a year and repetition is likely frowned upon (albeit happily). Is it even possible to continue on such an outlandish course year after year? The math begins to boggle the mind.

In case, like me, you find the thought of such a Pollyanna-ish task somewhat daunting, might I make a suggestion? Start with happy memories of childhood. They can, potentially, see you through at least several seasons of happy thoughts.

Oohh…here’s another one. Did you ever go to the drive-in with your mom and dad when you were a kid? Were you wearing your summer jammies?


  1. Wonderful photo!
    I do so remember the drive in and that wonderful little speaker that you hung on the window!

  2. Hello, Laurie. I got brave and started a blog about the time you did. I am learning-slowly.

    I loved the lightning bug memory because I have had the same experiences. I taught my boys to do the same, and we had a dog that knocked the bugs out of the air for them. She never ate them, just knocked them to the ground and stood until the boys came to pick them up! She was helping!

    I live a couple of hours from Lake of the Ozarks. While I grew up in the southeastern corner of Kansas, I have spent most of my married life across the border into Missouri after a short stint in St. Louis.

