Friday, June 7, 2013

Part 1: Getting My Tea Party On With Puerh

In an effort to "get my tea party on" I decided to take the advice of my June 1st post and try a tea I've never before tasted. I chose to aim high with puerh.

Why choose this particular tea? Much about it turns my head - rather like being told Sam Elliot has just walked into the room. This has yet to happen but my hopes remain high. 

Puerh is the only aged tea and is collected by some much as is wine. It's spoken of as vintage. Hel-lowww!? Have you ever met me!?

It's a niche tea only in recent years catching the attention of the west - despite a history dating back to the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 A.D.). It's difficult for a history lover to be cutting edge so one must grab opportunities as they come.

It hails from only a few places on earth - China's Yunnan province as well as bordering tropical regions in Burma, Vietnam, Laos and very eastern India. In all honesty, this much appeals to the tea snob I know I am. 

It's long been revered for it's healing properties. Who doesn't need some healing she asks in her best Tea-A-Ria Bronx voice? 

It varies wildly in flavor and styles, yet is said to taste unlike any other tea on earth. I could have lead with this and have been done with it!  

Now, it's not as if I haven't had opportunities to sample puerh. It's almost touched my lips several times. However, these samples all possessed an aroma that severely crinkled my nose. In the end, down the drain it went.

Puerh is often described as earthy yet that seemed an understatement. Caves came to mind. As did darkness. Dampness. And bats. 

Tea lovers are rarely called upon to be brave. Can I rise to this occasion? Yes, but I can't do it alone.


Stay tuned for Part 2: The Puerh Adventure Begins. In the meantime, if you'd like to read more about puerh, visit Stephen Shelton's web site at JAS-eTea.

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