Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tea Talk

Even without resorting to phrases such as Tea-fully Yours and Thanks for Your Hospitali-tea, one cannot live deep in the cup without sooner or later being steeped in tea word play. Here are a few revolving around my own tea world...

- "The love you feel for me wouldn't fill a tea cup in Texas"...Once said by a husband playfully letting his need for more attention be known." The temptation to edit was large - "You need more attention than a Texas teacup" - but quickly seen as counterproductive.

- "Only fannings and so much dust"...must be said with a sigh.

- "Well, tea this"...said properly said under one's breath it verges upon blasphemous and yes, hasn't the least hospitali-tea.

And no...I'm remain unwillingly to share the events surrounding the evening I became The Chocolate Mar-Tea-Nee Lady.

I am, however, rather fond of a nickname I've lately been dubbed by certain folks on Fort Myers Beach...Princess BrewHaHa. How funny is that!?

Tea on my friends.

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